The new book ‘Healthy Water. Not self-evident’ was launched, a publication of the Biosciences and Society Foundation (BWM). The book provides an overview of the issues surrounding fresh water, a topic that is becoming increasingly urgent, including in the Netherlands. Circle Infra Partners was asked to share its industry expertise in the book and during the panel discussion, where experts from various sectors shared their insights.
Raising awareness of water
The book launch focused on the collaborative exploration of healthy water, discussing exactly what healthy water means and what measures are needed to maintain it. The panel of water professionals and the audience shared their visions. Unanimously, it was emphasized that actively working to preserve healthy water is essential. To achieve this, more cooperation and better communication between all stakeholders within the water sector is necessary. In addition, it is essential to raise awareness in society about water. As such, the book also aims to share scientific knowledge in an accessible way with a wide audience to increase awareness of water quality challenges and solutions.
Circle Infra Partners shares expertise as industry partner
Circle Infra Partners is responsible for transporting wastewater from sixty plants on the Chemelot site to the biological wastewater treatment plant, after which the treated water is discharged into the Meuse River. Karin Meeuwsen, Permits Manager at Circle Infra Partners, made an important contribution to the book with an interview in which she shares her insights on wastewater management in industry and the importance of transparency. Based in part on past experience, Circle Infra Partners has developed an approach to identifying and reviewing all substances in wastewater. The result is one of the most comprehensive and transparent water permits in the Netherlands, in which we are a forerunner.
”We now have a much better idea of what is happening here and are constantly checking the quality of the effluent. Before, the permit allowed us to put five garbage bags on the street, so to speak, and we didn’t have to look at exactly what was in them. Now we look with a magnifying glass and name and test all pieces of waste separately, no matter how small.”
Karin Meeuwsen, Permits Manager at Circle Infra Partners
With this approach, Circle Infra Partners aims to eventually work toward zero discharge of wastewater to the Meuse, focusing on water reuse.
Also progress in water quality and biodiversity
During the book presentation, Lianne van Oord, Innovation Manager at Circle Infra Partners, took part in the panel discussion where water issues were highlighted in a nuanced way and, in an open and positive setting, looked together at how to raise awareness around this topic. She shared her expertise and insights on the industry’s role in developing sustainable solutions to water challenges.
“During the panel discussion, it was highlighted that despite the ongoing challenges around water quality, significant progress has already been made in some waters. For example, a number of species have returned to wetlands where they had previously disappeared.In order to meet water quality goals, it is important that not only Circle’s permit is transparent, but also that transparency and commitment is required of others.”
Lianne van Oord, Innovation Manager at Circle Infra Partners
Book ‘Healthy Water. Not self-evident‘
The book is now available and offers a valuable contribution to the conversation about the future of water quality in the Netherlands. For more information, visit the Biosciences and Society website at this link.
About the Biosciences and Society Foundation
BWM contributes to forming informed opinions. They do this by providing a complete overview of developments, future perspectives and social consequences of topics that are at the intersection of health, nature and the environment. They publish books (for example, on vaccines, urban nature and alcohol), compile online dossiers and lectures, and develop teaching materials in collaboration with top researchers and experts in the field. BWM is an independent foundation, founded in 1969 on the initiative of Princess Beatrix and Prince Claus.