The transition to renewable energy and green resources cannot be separated from a sustainable approach to industrial water use. Therefore, water transition is also high on the agenda of Chemelot, Brightsite and Circle Infra Partners. In the “Circular Water for Chemelot” program, we are identifying various Chemelot-wide options for significantly reducing water use and emissions to surface water, taking into account the stricter rules around water permits and major process changes that will take place on the site as a result of sustainability steps.
Water is increasingly becoming a topic of public interest due to increasing drought, peak rainfall and water quality concerns. Adequate water treatment and reduction of water use are therefore receiving increasing attention. Chemelot depends on water for the functioning of the plants, it is important for all basic processes on the site. Thus, water – in the form of steam – is used to heat processes and provides cooling by dissipating heat. In addition, water is used as a solvent and transport medium.
Future-proof water management
“Sustainability will affect water use at Chemelot, the raw materials and energy transition will result in process changes at plants, which will affect water use and the composition of plant wastewater. One of our objectives is that treated water can eventually be reused after reprocessing. However, this creates a concentrated stream of waste products, the so-called brine stream, which cannot simply be discharged. We therefore want to investigate how we can make the brine flow as small as possible and how we can recover and reuse some of this waste. For the latter we have joined a research project of Wageningen University & Research. Another challenge is the high energy consumption associated with extensive wastewater treatment, while the task at Chemelot is to save energy. A system approach is therefore required to assess measures and their effect.”
Lianne van Oord, Program Manager of Brightsite.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions requires an ambitious transition to renewable energy and raw materials, with full greening of business processes. Green chemical industry is sustainable, innovative and competitive. Knowledge Center Brightsite is driving the development and commercial application of innovative technologies needed to achieve climate goals.
Source: Brightsite